Monday, July 27, 2009

baby gLoOm

The birth rate is declining and men are to be blame.
the number of children per couple is now three times lower than what it was a generation ago, and experts concede there is casual link between that and the attitudes of men. =P ( ehehe)

According to the results of a study by the university (UPM yg wat neyh) , the people continued to think that housework and childcare were solely the mother's responsibility.

" Our study shows that when women come home from work, they change their clothes and go into the kitchen. Men put their briefcase down, head to the living room and read the newspaper or flip through TV channels. Sometimes , they ask to be served a drink."( sayang..i penat jugak oke) =P

HeLLo~!! " Women work to help men supplement the family income, but men don't help their wives around the house." said the family economics expert.

(ni agik besht) =P

" By and large, human fertility is assumed to be at its highest early in the morning, between 4am and 5am"

Besides quantity, the quality of eggs also declines with age. This is why miscarriagea and babies born with abnormalities are higher when one becomes pregnant at a later age, especially 35 years and above.

"For men, the reasons that will affect a man reproductive organs are stress, smoking and other -Ve lifestyle habits, wearing tight undergarments and lounging in sauna or hot bath."

hikhik =P

p/s : saye mahu owg yg pandai siang ikan.. =)

Monday, July 20, 2009

maSam-masam manEs ^_*

tadi Lunch..bese aa..
naMe pOn dok umah..
ape laGi
cong-ceng-cong-ceng aa kaT daPo..
(kunun nye masak ler tuh)
menu rini sambaL sotOng, sayur peria ngan goreng ikan sudey..=P ngee..
tade mende-mende sPesel pun..
seperti ari-ari kelmarin..
taPi sure aa ade cek sifu (mama) yg guide..
kot x..
ade yg sambal sotong jadik sambaL kerang =P

taPi rini sume poCe ekcep aBah..
bukan riak..cume nak cite..
abah balik mkn lunch rini..
taPi taw2 je aa owg poce nye masaK..
ane rase kan..
tah masam ke..masen ke..pedash ke..

tapi bile abah mkn..
muke cenyum je..abah ckp..

n bile time buke ni~
ktOwang sume nak membuke la ape yg patot..
dalam kpale abah da ckp cedaP..
sOoOo tayah oter pape agik aa..
skali bile raSe..
x cedaP..
cowie abah
daya x hebaT.ehehe
n ma pun amek part meng-oter ane yg patOt..
abah kate xpe..
"owg poce..
tapi tu pun dah cedaP"..
it shows oke~!!
tadi abah tambah 2x~

bile ingt2 balek..
abah mmg x pena mengecewakan..
aba x pena mara kalu ma x masak..
aba x pena ckp owg len salah
aba x pena ckp owg len masak x cedaP
aba x kan mengeLoh kaLu baLik kije penat-penat..
aba bole je kemas katil sendiri..
aba bole je masak kalu xde sape serve..
aba cgt coOl..

n d MosT imporTanT..abah imam n lead tahLiL taPi juge Lead KUGIRAN!!! yeaa~

p/s: i rili lev u aba~ =)
kalu leyh..daya nak carik laki yg akan jadik laki daya..bayek cam abah..
oWg kate besh shopin ngan BF..tapi daya suke agik shOpin ngan aba..
aba..wiken neyh shopin agik ea.. (^_^) hehe

Thursday, July 16, 2009

fLashback (part 1)

i am budak bOoLaT =P
sampai skang pUn sHape nye same je..
thee hee hee =))
xpe la bentuk ghoPe ape skaLi pun.
janji badan cehat ( i rili mean dat cehat,cehat, oke) =P
ati cenang
kan? kan? kan??

kaLu ekot kaTe ma yG cite aa..gamBo ni amek mase naK waT paspoRt nak g sinGapore
ma kate degiL!!!
susah cgt nak dok diam nak snaP
apek amek gambO tu pun pnat meng-ngagah (cam acah2 tu kowT)
terpakse tgn tuh kasik umpan ayam..
(tapi skang..pantang nampak lense cam..sure dah wat muke memacam pesen..ehehe)
kekecik dah demand ciken =P
naseB aa kan?
taPi sepatah haram knangan kaT sane pOn x hengat
miricle oke saPe2 ingT cite2 mase uMo 1 taOn..
tayah tipOo saye~!

anak jati mLake
anak meranti johor
anak balak bangi
anak ( me 1 name of kayu kayan pLish) muOr
anak ma ngan abah

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

indah =)

29 yeaRs ago (couPLe) *fiwittt*

laki bini =P

saye kagum ngan ketentuan Ilahi..
indahnye kebahagiaan tuh bile ye ikhlas dtg dari ati yg Paling daLam..
mende ni saye nampak dLm diri owg tue saye..
ma ngan abah cgt memahami eVen anak2 nye ne sLalu akan mem-bLur-kan muke biLa ma ngan abah borak2..

Las wik je pun mende ney mase bOrak2 sambiL ngeteh(vocaB jawe..pinjam jaP). =P

situasi where, ma ngan abah borak major toPic n kitorang(anak2 ma ngan abah yg 4 owg ne) menyampuk je~ =)

ma : baMat, (name panggiLan ma kat abah : shoTform frOm aBang Mat) dak yg ane tu dah siaP wat mende neyh?

abah: haa..tu la yg kawan (ganti name diri abah kat ma) x paham ne..yg si anu tu La..caKaP nak buat dekaT situ..haa..taPi ni Lah..bla..bla...bla..

n..sambung je boraK anu..yg ne...sane..yg ni..tu ha..perghh..sure taleyh ceLah..deOrg paham je bHs deowg..ehehe

n ade mase mkn2 hasiL shOppinG dinner kaT pasO maLam..

ma : bamaT..laksa ne masen kan
abah: haah..( taPi slambe je sambung mkn)
adek: taPi adek bLi kat makcik laKsa yg makcik ma slalu bli tu

ma: yg laki dia ade wat kutu piring tu?
abah: owh..makcik yg tu ke? sLalu sedaP

ok~waiT..muke kitoWng da bLurr..ade ke kutu piring??? taPi abah slambe je stuju..ehehe..

tu la kan~ kaLu dah saLing memahami..cakaP bHs ape samPai kan tahaP huru-hare aCane skaLi pun..suRe maksud nye samPai nye..

daya sayang ma ngan abah =)

Friday, July 10, 2009


ehehe.. =)

aku nie..
membazir jee~
name dok asRama..
bayaU fuLL..
taPi Lom tiDo2 pUn..
kije puLang ke ghumah je..

tuka name jOm..
asRama --> asRuma..fhiwieeeett ;*

p/s: rini sejOk aa..da bape ari mandi sambiL gigiL-gigiL..deaR goD..tenGs foR d rain~ =))
May Allah bLess me toDay..amin...

Thursday, July 9, 2009


sering mengikuti
tapi tiada dlm senarai

semunyik ea..




Wednesday, July 8, 2009

dam di dam..lala~

i'm just a little bit caught in d middle
life is a maze and love is a riddle
i don't know where to go
i can't do it alone i've tried
and i don't know why

sLow it down
make it stOp
or eLse my heart is going tO poP
'cauSe it's too much
Yeah it's a lot
tO be somethinG i'm noT

i'm a fooL
OuT oF Love
'CauSe i Just Can't get enOugh

i'm juSt a littLe girL Lost in the mOment
i'm sO sCared but i dOn'T shOw iT
i can't figure iT out
iT's bRinging me dOwn i knOw
i've goT tO leT iT gO
and juSt enjoY the shoW

The sun iS hoT
inThe sky
Just like a giant spotlight
The peopLe fOLLoW the sign
and synchronize in tiMe
it's a joKe
Nobody knows
tHey've got a ticket to that sHow

=) niCe aite?

joIn me..letSsinGaLong~~

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

ujan =)

bukan nak kate aa..
tP mmG btL kate pepaTah..

~ujan batu negRi owg~
~ujan emas negri snirik~
besh agik negri snirik~!!
(ngan harapan pri-tak-rti bahase ni btL)

ye arrr...
uJan emas tu babe~

*mish my UKM life*
huk huk...